Life Resource: Slaying Student Loans with Tiff

Episode: “The Business of Slaying Student Loans with Tiff ”

Welcome to another episode of Nurse Marketing: The Business of Nursing!

While this interview was done Pre COVID, I know that many are thinking about how to retain control of their finances.

The truth is we ALL are dealing with navigating the new normal, and the more financial “surprises” we can minimize the better.

With all that is going on, now is the great time to get reflective on your financial health, take a listen to the interview below:

About our Guest

Tiffany Grant runs money talk with Tiff, she’s a money coach, but she provides financial education. She likes to work with clients that are struggling and try to get them on a budget, try to get their finances in order so that way they can start on their journey to build wealth.

Topics Covered:

0:58 – Tiffany introduces herself who likes to work with clients that are struggling and helps them get to the point where they're able to build wealth and invest and save and buy houses and whatever their goals are to them. She also introduces her business and what it does for its ideal customers.

1:01 – Sharing her down points how she got started doing what she does.

4:09 – Explains how she helps her customers win and have the results they wanted.

8:15 - Shares practical things to do for nurses in their 30’s to even start to think about in terms of paying off their student loans.

Main Takeaways and Quotes

With too much student loan debt, I decided, look, I'm going to help people figure out how to navigate these student loans because that majority of my clients have student loans, of course, so I wanted to help people navigate their student loans just as I am. But the difference is, I am able to provide practical steps and tips on how to get there.” – Tiffany Grant

“I tell people the key is just to get started.” – Tiffany Grant

The main thing is freedom, right? So once you get out from all of that debt, you start looking at your job differently, you start looking at your spouse differently, start looking at relationships differently, because a lot of times the debt is just so overwhelming and so it stresses you out. And then if it falls into more areas of your life, it starts spilling over.” - Tiffany Grant

“One thing that I've noticed as I was climbing out of debt is that I was able to look at jobs differently. I'm like, “Look, I don't need this job as much as I thought I did because at this point I'm more financially stable.” You're no longer working for companies just because you need that paycheck. And I feel like that is the most freeing thing.” – Tiffany Grant

When people send me messages, like people that aren't even clients, but they listen to my content and they're like, “Hey, my credit score increased 20 points, or I just got approved for this house.” It's just little stories like that, that's what keeps me going in my business.” - Tiffany Grant

My advice is to just go ahead and figure out what kind of loan you have, be it private or federal or Stafford and therefore you can know what options you have.” – Tiffany Grant

I recommend that people know exactly how much they owe, how much they started with, and how much it is now, because another thing that people discount or take for granted is the interest that accrues.” – Tiffany Grant

I tell people if you can't make a payment or your payment is too much for your current situation, talk to the loan service providers. Student loans aren't going anywhere. And that's why I tell people to please take them seriously. They are not like any other debt out there. - Tiffany Grant

Thanks for Tuning In!

Thanks so much for being with us this week. Have some feedback you'd like to share?

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Thanks for listening!

Lisa Manyon “The Business Marketing Architect

To connect with Amelia:

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